About 'industry ratios'|...flattie into boxoffice combat against color-wide opponents. Also B/W and standard ratio From Here was out a year's eternity ago and just before Cinemascope drew lines...
If investing is a new activity for you, confusion may be ruling your day. There are stocks and bonds and options and futures and tons of alphabet soup titles such as NASDAQ and NYSE and OTIS to learn about. In all the confusion you may wonder why you should consider mutual funds. This article is intended to give you a brief introduction to, and ten reasons to invest in, mutual funds. Mutual funds come from a company that raises money from selling its shares. It then invests this pooled money in a diversified selection of securities. The portfolio of securities is professionally managed and is called a mutual fund. When you invest in the mutual fund you own a share of the fund's portfolio of securities. The manager of the mutual fund will issue and re-buy shares of the portfolio at a price that mirrors the current value of the fund when the transaction is affected. So Why Should You Invest in Mutual Funds? 1. Professional Management An investor who lacks the time or knowledge to manage their own investments can turn to the mutual fund and let a professional handle all the securities, analysis, and questions of when to buy or sell for them. This works so well that better than 95 million people invest in mutual funds, making them the largest financial intermediary in the United States. The investors in mutual funds may be newcomers to investing or they may be experienced investors. What they all have in common is that they have decided to turn over the time consuming work of investment management to professionals. (Gitman, L.,and Joehnk, M., 2003) 2. Ease of Selection Not all mutual funds are managed equally. You can choose from many hundreds of funds, (well actually even thousands of funds).You can get information at the click of a mouse or the rustle of a page in magazines such as "Money". Your credit union will have information for you and your local library will also have magazines and guides you can check. Do a little homework so you know how well the fund you are considering has performed over the past several years. The thing you want to determine is your risk tolerance, how much money you want, and how soon you want to retire. Communicate these goals to your fund manager and they will tailor your investment for you. 3. Begin Small Young people just starting out, or a middle aged single parent starting over after a divorce or other major life event may not have a lot of money to invest in the beginning. This is where mutual funds can really shine for you. Many mutual funds will allow you to begin with under a thousand dollars and some will even let you start with as little as $50. A program at Bank of America for instance lets you start a "keep the change" savings account where every time you use your debit card they round up the change to the next dollar and put it in either a regular savings account or a money market savings account.You can start the account for $25. and you are on your way to investing in a simple painless way. You can't get any smaller than that. The way it works is the pooling effect, which means hundreds or perhaps thousands of times that twenty five dollars, which makes a pretty nifty investment because mutual fund investors pool their money with one common goal - to make more. 4. Lower Your Risk In every business there is a mantra for success. In realestate it is location, location, location; in acting it is presence,presence, presence; in investments it is diversify, diversifydiversify. My grandmother used to say "don't put all your eggs in one basket". What she meant was lower the risk of breaking all those eggsif you trip and drop them coming up the steps. You carry some of them and let the other kids carry some of them. It's like that with your nest egg too. Mutual funds diversify your portfolio by investing in a number of securities and so spread the risk out into more baskets. 5. Increase the Opportunities Investment in a mutual fund really means you are a part owner in apooled diversification, managed by professionals and able to takeadvantage of investments through this alliance that you could neverafford on your own. Gitman, L and Joehnk, M., (2003) give an examplethat shows two pages in a portfolio where we see a partial list ofsecurity holdings from a 21 page portfolio. In the two pages shown wesee 24 industrial companies in six different industry segments and 34information technology companies spread over three industry segments.Clearly no single investor could cover this much diversification. This is only two pages out of twenty one and yetevery investor who ownsshares in this particular mutual fund is in fact a part owner of thewidely diversified portfolio. 6. Liquid Assets In the world of finance, liquid assets means something you can sellquickly and easily. Mutual funds can be bought or sold on any day themarket is doing business. The money can be in your hands in a matter ofa few days. When my husband needed medical care that insurance did notcover, I called our fund manager who sold shares the following businessday and sent us a check which we received within about five days. 7. Convenient Because the bookkeeping, investment analysis, and other day to daychores,are done by the managers of the fund, it frees up the investors timeandrelieves them of worry and stress. You own just one investmentinstead of a batch of them but you still get the benefits of all thatdiversification plus a range of services offered by the fund. 8. Transparent disclosures You do not want to stick money in a portfolio and thennever really notknowwhat is happening. The beauty of the mutual fund is that you will getfrequently updated information on the value of the investment. Theprospectus will be mailed to you on a regular basis and this willdisclose specific investments made by the fund. The information willalso break down the percentage of investments in each industrysegmentand class of assets and will detail the fund management's strategyand long term goals. In the Prospectus you will find importantinformation in the sections on expenses, investment objectives,long-term total returns and management biographies. 9. Choices Mutual Funds investors have many thousands of options to choose from. Iknow many people who will not invest in some financially secure fundsdue to the companies represented in the fund. Animal rights activistswill not invest in funds that include pharmaceutical research anddevelopment divisions that use animals in their work. Some environmentalactivists will not invest in funds that include chemical companies orother industrial segments. You can make choices based on those groundsas well as the financial stability of the fund itself and yourparticular financial plan. 10. Regulated for your protection. A mutual fund is not one big company run by a single manager or group ofmanagers that can contrive to take your money and run. When you investin a mutual fund, you own shares of the fund, and that gives you certainvoting rights. The functions of the fund are separated between two ormore companies. The fund itself is organized as a corporation or a trustand is owned by the investors. The firm that runs it is separate. Themanagement company creates the funds, the investment advisors overseethe portfolio and buy and sell stocks and bonds, the distributor sellsfund shares to you and me as investors in the portfolio, the custodiansafeguards the assets of the fund (this is usually done by a bank), andthe transfer agent keeps a record of purchase and redemptioncommunications and other shareholder records for investors. In otherwords a mutual fund's investment and business decisions are made by different entities for the protection of the shareholder. The fund also has a board of directors to ride herd on all the activity and they are voted on by you and the other investors. If you do not like the way the fund is being managed talk with your vote. |
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...feed just 1kg of farmed salmon! At that ratio, it is not possible for salmon ...2009. Tags: Bluefin tuna, fishing industry, sustainable fish, Sustainable Seafood. Sustainable Seafood...
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