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Borrowing money is not limited to the corporate criminals in charge of banks or some guy named Two-Finger Vito down at the pool hall. Both those ways of borrowing money are great if you are into usury and being treated like a criminal if you should be late with just one payment. Options exist for getting yourself a loan, although in some cases the options may not be much better than signing over your life to some suit down at the local bank branch. Bank Account Line of Credit Setting up a line of credit from your bank account means filling out a much shorter form than is necessary for a full blown loan. The advantages of a bank account line of credit are that you borrow only money you need and you repay the loan as you would a credit card debt. The downside of borrowing money off a bank account line of credit are that you can quite quickly find yourself drowning in debt if you don't have self-discipline. Another disadvantage is that the interest rates on the line of credit can change faster than a candidate who has just gotten elected into office. Home Equity Loan The home equity loan is a method of borrowing money that is very popular. Your options are to borrow money for a fixed amount or to establish a line of credit. Home equity loans are essentially second mortgages on your home as the loan is secured by the property. If you don't make your payments, the lender can foreclose just as if the loan was an original mortgage. In most cases, this means of borrowing money allows you to get up to 80% of the equity in your home. Look for low introductory rates when applying for a home equity loan, but be aware that after a certain amount of time (usually six months) the interest rate will be subject to fluctuations in the prime rate. A wiser approach depending on the interest rate situation at the time of borrowing is to lock yourself into to a fixed interest rate for the term of the loan. One of the benefits of a home equity loan is that the interest charges on the loan may be fully deductible when you itemize your tax deductions. Home equity loans do come with some disadvantageous points to consider. The luxury of borrowing money off the equity in your home could be dependent on closing costs and additional fees. Inquire of your lender if they are willing to waive the fees as long as the line of credit remains open for at least two years. Foreclosure is the ultimate downside to a home equity loan, so make sure that you will be able to cover the payments even if you should lose your job or experience some other economic catastrophe. Margin Account Loan Another option available for borrowing money is margin account loan in which you can utilize your investments as your source for borrowing money without needing to touch your principal. Margin account loans don't require extensive forms to fill out; usually the paperwork is limited to a margin account agreement that simply spells out the terms of the loan. A margin account loan allows you to borrow up to 50% of the value of your securities. As an example, let's say that your brokerage account is worth $100,000. With a margin account loan, you can very easily borrow $50,000 with much fuss or muss. A huge advantage of the margin account loan is that you choose the timeline for payback. You can pay back immediately or you can spread the payback over time. Just keep in mind that the interest will accrue if you take your time paying the loan back. Because a margin account loan is primarily available to those wealthy enough to have significant security holdings, you can also expect to enjoy some tax benefits: the interest is deductible, but the methodology of deductibility depends upon how the loan is used. The downside to a margin account loan is that the interest rate is subject to variability based on the movement of the prime rate. Another downside is that if the value of your account drops, you will be asked to pay off the shortfall in value. This means you can pay in cash, but if you don't have enough cash to cover the shortfall, a segment of your account holding can be sold to satisfy the margin call. This unpleasant element of the margin account loan remains in place even if there is a rally in the markets the very next day and the value rises in response. Life Insurance Policy Loan When you have any kind of life insurance policy other than term, you are building up a cash surrender value. This equity that has been built up can be borrowed against simply by contacting the insurance company and making a formal request for a loan. If you need money fast and have built up this life insurance equity, this type of loan is one of the best methods at your disposal as the loan can sometimes be processed within a matter of a couple of days. The interest rates on a life insurance loan tend to vary according to the life stage of the policy. An older policy generally provides the opportunity for very low interest rates. Newer life insurance policies generally operate with a variable rate not unlike that associated with a margin account loan. One of the advantages to borrowing money in this way is that time frame for payback of the loan is very flexible, although interest accrues as you postpone completely payback. The biggest disadvantage to a life insurance loan is that any part of the loan, including the interest building, that isn't repaid acts as an offset the death benefit that the policy's beneficiary would receive. As an example, if your life insurance policy is for $100,000 and you have borrowed $10,000 that you never repaid, then the payout to the beneficiary dips down to $90,000. Sources: http://www.gaebler.com/Bank-Credit-Lines.htm http://www.soyouwanna.com/brokerage-account-loan-8528.html http://www.bankrate.com/finance/debt/home-equity-loan-vs-line-of-credit-1.aspx http://www.newyorklife.com/nyl/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=291447bb939d2210a2b3019d221024301cacRCRD |
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